I normally use the arrow keys for movement, but the issue started before I had even modified any key bindings, so I'm not sure if that has anything to do with it.
Microsoft sidewinder x6 w key install#
The keyboard issue persists even after doing a clean install of BF4.
Punkbuster caught the issue on its own, brought up a repair menu prompt and following the steps it provided fixed that issue. At first I thought I'd like browns, but when I tried some switches out, I saw that I didn't. However, I really recommend you buy a switch sampler or try out some keyboards before buying a mechanical keyboard. A good example is running using W, spamming abilities using 1-6 and also pressing shift, alt, or ctrl while your run and gun/heal. I had the Sidewinder x4, I'd say it's close to browns. You would be surprised how many keys you press at once in game. Especially when you start including shift, ctrl and alt in the mix. Then the stuck keys issue started along with a Punkbuster A error. Playing WOW, you end up using a lot of key combinations. I reinstalled the game with a backup of the the install that was working fine under Win 7. Still rocking a PS2 keyboard that works fine everywhere else. I just rebuilt my primary machine with a new mobo, CPU, RAM combo (Z170, i7 6700K, 32GB DDR4) and a clean install of Windows 10 with the hopes that it would open up my bottle necks (and it did). It's now 2016 and I've been playing BF4 for a while without this issue on a few different versions of Windows of a few different computers.
Problem flow: If I use the 8.2 version of the driver, after I push the play/pause button (with some delay) explorer.exe crushes. With IntelliType 8.2 32-bit, the play/pause media key causes 'explorer.exe' to crush.
Microsoft sidewinder x6 w key 32 bit#
This is the first thread about this issue that I've noticed an actual response from EA, so please forgive my re-posting this from another thread: I got a problem with SideWinder X6 Keyboard on Windows 7 32 bit (sp1). The key pad functions as a standard numeric pad in normal keyboard mode, and doubles as a programmable macro pad in gaming mode. Apex Legends Mobile Limited Regional Launch Switchable Key PadThe Microsoft SideWinder X6 features a switchable key pad that can be attached either to the left or right side of the keyboard for the ultimate flexibility.